NASA to livestream ‘flying saucer’ Mars lander test today [UPDATED]

NASA is preparing to conduct the second test flight of its Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) — but you can call it NASA’s “flying saucer.” This craft is designed to deliver mission payloads to the surface of Mars without all the risky rocket-powered sky crane maneuvers that were part of the Curiosity rover landing. The LDSD is going to launch in just a few minutes, and you can watch it live on NASA’s JPL Ustream channel:

The LDSD includes a number of technologies that could make Mars landings considerably easier. The main issue to overcome when landing on the Red Planet is that the atmosphere is far thinner than it is on Earth — only about 1% as dense. That means a craft coming in at Mach 3.5 (about 2,500 mph) can’t slow itself down with just a parachute.

Around the edge of the LDSD is an inflatable expanding airbrake called the Supersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (SIAD). It’s basically a giant airbag that deploys in a fraction of a second and vastly increases the surface area of the craft, thus slowing its descent. This alone should be able to reduce the craft’s speed to around Mach 2.

The second technology at work in the LDSD is a huge Supersonic Disksail Parachute. This is the largest parachute NASA has ever flown, at 30 meters in diameter, and it’s a critical aspect of this test. In the first test of the LDSD system last June, the parachute shredded itself just moments after being deployed. If it deploys properly, the parachute should be able to slow the flying saucer down to sub-sonic landing speeds.

 The next full launch test will take place at the US Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility in Hawaii in June, and will be conducted in the same way as the first test. The LDSD will be take up to an altitude of roughly 120,000 feet by a weather balloon. Then it will fire a rocket booster that takes it higher still, and accelerates it to the speeds it would encounter during a Mars landing. Earth’s atmosphere is much thicker, of course, but the rocket will carry the craft to an altitude of nearly 200,000 feet, where the atmosphere is of similar density to that of Mars. This will allow NASA to get an idea of how the LDSD will perform on a mission. Hopefully the parachute deploys this time.

Today’s test will evaluate the small rockets that control the spin of the vehicle in flight. NASA hopes to use spacecraft based on the LDSD design to land heavier payloads on Mars and other bodies in the solar system. Curiosity’s sky-crane design was certainly clever, but NASA says it won’t scale up to heavier payloads. Today’s test rocket test will take place at 9-10am Pacific.